5,341 research outputs found


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    Agricultural researches usually advocate high yielding competitive crop varieties in order to supply foodstuff to the increasing population. However, this is not to care for the social dimension of adoption in the technology transfer process. That is why the present paper acknowledges actors like producers, food processors, marketers and others, whose perception with respect to growing, harvesting and processing stages of maize, to be included in the perceptive evaluation of Chinese hybrid varieties at the research centers. Four new varieties of maize are promoted: T2 (Guidan 162), T3 (Jinguyuan 688), T4 (Jinyu No.8) and T5 (Xianyu 335). Actors compare new Chinese varieties of maize to their traditional ones. On the basis of a comparative appraisal index (CAI), ie. a new variety is likely to be adopted if the differences of score between its descriptors and those of the traditional variety are greater than zero. In terms of results, T2 and T4 are the most likely to be adopted in the South and the Center. In the North, on the contrary, T5 is substituted to T4. Because of a low performance on various descriptors, T3 is unlikely to be adopted. While in the south and the center of Benin, sensorial descriptors remain decisive in the adoption profile, agromorphological and harvest stage descriptors are more likely to affect adoption in the North. Based on the increasing economic importance of maize, actors’ perception in the North significantly matters in the process of adoption of new varieties

    Suivi De La Campagne Agropastorale Au Sahel Et En Afrique De l'Ouest : Améliorer L’approche Grâce A L'analyse Des Indices De Végétation Et Des Précipitations Estimées Par Satellite

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    AGRHYMET CCR AOS, en tant qu'entité déléguée par les pays, assume la responsabilité du suivi et de l'évaluation de la campagne agropastorale dans la région du Sahel et en Afrique de l'Ouest. Cet article vise à exposer de manière rigoureusement scientifique les méthodes employées dans l'élaboration de ces produits, ainsi que les techniques d'interprétation qui leur sont associées. Cette démarche s'appuie principalement sur l'utilisation d'images satellitaires, notamment le NDVI (Normalized Difference Vegetation Index) et ses dérivés, le DMP (Dry Matter Productivity), ainsi que le RFE (Rainfall Estimated). Ces images sont acquises par le biais de la plateforme EUMETCast ou d'Internet depuis la plateforme COPERNICUS, et elles font l'objet d'un traitement automatisé au moyen de l'outil E_Station ou des logiciels SPIRITS et QIS. L'approche adoptée se fonde sur l'exploitation du NDVI, du RFE, et du DMP de la période s'étendant de 2014 à 2023. Les séries chronologiques de NDVI et RFE sont mobilisées pour suivre l'évolution de la végétation, tandis que le DMP est utilisé pour calculer les rendements saisonniers en biomasse fourragère de mai à octobre de chaque année. Une analyse statistique descriptive est ensuite entreprise pour comparer l’année en cours à des références comme entres autres la moyenne et l’année prétendante. Les informations issues de ces procédés de suivi et d'évaluation par satellites de la situation agropastorale sont diffusées aux utilisateurs

    Les sols de la vallée du Noun

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    Contribution à l'étude structurale par PY/CG-SM de la matière organique liée aux particules fines (0-50 µm) dans quelques sols sous formations naturelles de longue durée au Burkina Faso

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    Contribution to the study by PY/GC-MS of organic matter linked to fine particles (0-50 µm) in some soils under long-term natural formations in Burkina Faso. The study aims to enhance the knowledge on organic matter of Arenosols, Ferralsols, and Cambisols in Burkina Faso. It deals with the distribution of C and N in three particles size fractions and is focused on the structures of organic matter linked to the (0-50 µm) fraction. The results showed that total organic matter was lower than 2% in all soil units. More than 70% of total carbon were held by the finest fraction. The main products released by PY/GC-MS technique of the (0-50 µm) fraction were lignin derived compounds, non lignin derived aromatic compounds, carbohydrates derived compounds, fatty acids methyl esters and nitrogen derived compounds. The aliphatic compounds ranged from C12 to C18, C16 being the dominant one. The aliphatic compounds were negatively correlated with the aromatic compounds. A positive correlation was observed between the nitrogen derived compounds and the amounts of clay. On the other hand, the carbohydrates derived compounds were negatively correlated with clay particles. Furthermore, the study pointed out some different structures of lignin such as syringyl, guaiacyl, and p.hydrophenyl. Depending on the nature of wood (hard wood, soft wood and grasses), they reflected the composition of vegetation on the studied sites. Therefore, PY/GC-MS technique was efficient for structural characterization of low amounts of soil organic matter
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